Connecting the Nordic flavours and folklore, myths and wisdom through the Nordic journeys which we share. We're here for something different, holding dear to our hearts the simplicity of authenticity, the Nordic firm believing in sustainability, community and creativity.

Through the Nordic century-old habits and traditions, evolutions and reinventions, new experiences are achieved. It's with this mindset that we'd like to take you along on the Nordic endeavours together.

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Connecting the Nordic flavours and folklore, myths and wisdom through the Nordic journeys which we share. We're here for something different, holding dear to our hearts the simplicity of authenticity, the Nordic firm believing in sustainability, community and creativity.

Through the Nordic century-old habits and traditions, evolutions and reinventions, new experiences are achieved. It's with this mindset that we'd like to take you along on the Nordic endeavours together.

Media contact:

享受芬蘭仲夏節氣氛Red Sugar期間限定特色美酒小吃

26. June 2021

香港嘉里酒店Red Sugar 想讓愛到芬蘭旅遊的人,以及因種種原因未能返家的芬蘭人也能享受仲夏節, 特別與北歐烈酒供應商Aqua Nordics、芬蘭國家旅遊局VisitFinland及芬蘭國營航空公司芬蘭航空合作,舉辦爲期一個月的「芬蘭仲夏慶典」。配以270度維多利亞港景致,更有度假feel!

Media Report: - 享受芬蘭仲夏節氣氛Red Sugar期間限定特色美酒小吃 (26.06.2021)